Speaking Engagements & Media Appearances

Request to book Meg for your podcast, event, festival, lecture, retreat, training, video, or guest blog post.

Please fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch shortly.


past engagements include

Higher Conversations Podcast: Episodes 10 and 59

Men With Heart Podcast: Episode 32

Everyday Enlightenment on Gaia: The Disease of Isolation

Guest Blogs on Tara Mandala

Guest blog post on Gaia: 5 Ways to Discover Purpose and Abundance in a World that has Forgotten

Hanuman Academy: Yoga and Self Mastery Speaker Series

The Business of Yoga Speaker Series with Amy McDonald:

Elephant Journal blog post (poem): Orphans of My Heart

Wanderlust Mini Workshop Series: Crow Pose workshop 


Meg teaches from a place steeped in timeless wisdom; she leads from a place rooted in unwavering equanimity; she listens from a place of boundless curiosity; she hears from a place of unfaltering understanding; and she holds each being in her life with the power and tenderness of unconditional love.
— Lauri Glenn